ATINTAS is a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and assembly of displays and other POS articles in different materials such as wood, cardboard, acrylic and metal. We are a company specialised in the design and manufacture of PLV, approaching the work in a global way, with a experience of more than 30 years in the sector that they endorse us.
Offering great quality in all our services, being our main objective the satisfaction of our clients, always respecting the methodologies of work together with the environment, thanks to all this we have obtained throughout these years the confidence of our clients and this has made us national and international benchmarks.
All this work has led us to consolidate our position as a benchmark company in our sector, which is why the management has decided to implement a quality management system based on the requirements of UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 and FSC Chain of Custody standards.
To this end, ATINTAS assumes the following quality commitments in accordance with the standard ISO 9001:
- To satisfy the expectations and requirements of our clients.
- Comply with the requirements and commitments agreed with clients and other interested parties.
- Comply with the legal requirements that apply to the company.
It is important for our company to assume the following environmental requirements in accordance with the implementation of the standard ISO 14001:
- Comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the products.
- The continuous improvement of its Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System and of its environmental performance in each of the centres.
- Protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution, and specific commitments relevant to the context of the organisation.
- Identify and evaluate the environmental aspects that we generate in the development of our activities, products and services, with the aim of preventing negative environmental impacts.
Also highlighting our implementation FSC Chain of Custody:
- To provide our customers with a responsible environmental service.
- Complying with environmental legislation.
- To ensure the well-being of society in stable environmental matters.
To achieve these commitments:
- Establishing an Annual Programme defining the company’s quality and environmental objectives and targets.
- Activities developed through a documented and regularly verified integrated management system that guarantees continuous improvement of the efficiency of the Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System and compliance with applicable legal requirements.
- Importance of the participation, information and training of the workers to achieve the commitments expressed in this policy, making them participate through the contribution of suggestions and teamwork.
The Integrated Quality and Environmental System implemented by ATINTAS complies with the applicable requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standard, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 Standard and FSC Chain of Custody.